The Sensex touched a low of 14,348, and is now down 572 points at 14,429. All index stocks are in negative zone. ICICI Bank and Bharti Airtel have slumped around 6.5% each to Rs 820 and Rs 804, respectively. Tata Steel, Relinace, SBI and Reliance Communications have plunged around 5% each to Rs 608, Rs 1,740, Rs 1,536 and Rs 499, respectively. ONGC, HDFC Bank, BHEL and Tata Motors have tumbled around 1.5% each to Rs 815, Rs 1,095, Rs 1,612 and Rs 661, respectively. Hindalco, Reliance Energy, Larsen & Toubro, Mahindra & Mahindra, Grasim, Hindustan Unilever, Bajaj Auto, NTPC, Ranbaxy and Maruti have dropped 3-4% each. |