The Sensex is now down 649 points at 17,712. The NSE Nifty has shed 231 points at 5153. HDFC Bank has slumped 6.6% to Rs 1,495. Bajaj Auto and Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) have tumbled over 6% each to Rs 2,122 and Rs 633, respectively. SBI and Bharti Airtel has plunged nearly 6% each to Rs 2,265 and Rs 862, respectively. DLF, Grasim and ONGC have shed around 5.5% each at Rs 894, Rs 2,870 and Rs 961, respectively. Tata Steel and Reliance Communications have slipped nearly 5% each to Rs 680 and Rs 636, respectively. BHEL, Hindalco and TCS have dropped around 4.5% each to Rs 2,063, Rs 165 and Rs 842, respectively. Reliance and NTPC have also slipped around 4.5% each to Rs 2,494 and Rs 213, respectively. Larsen & Toubro and Wipro are down nearly 4% each to Rs 3,739 and Rs 413, respectively. Infosys has declined 3.5% to Rs 1,468. |