The Sensex is now down 68 points at 14,141. Bharti Airtel has rallied 2.5% to Rs 693. Reliance Communications has spurted over 1% to Rs 452. ACC has plunged 4.7% to Rs 1,063. Gujarat Ambuja has tumbled 3.3% to Rs 142, and Grasim has shed 3% to Rs 2,812. Dr.Reddy's has slipped 2.5% to Rs 789. ITC, Infosys and HDFC Bank have declined over 1% each to Rs 177, Rs 2,226 and Rs 1,044, respectively. ICICI Bank and Satyam are the other major losers. The market breadth is marginally negative - out of 2,233 stocks traded so far, 1,138 have declined, 1,048 have advanced and the rest are unchanged. |