The Sensex has tumbled into the negative zone. The index from a new high of 12,323, has plunged into the red to a low of 12,134. The index is now down 68 points at 12,150. ITC is up 1.6% at Rs 211. Hero Honda and HDFC Bank have gained 1.4% each at Rs 842 and Rs 862, respectively. ONGC and Satyam are up over 1% each at Rs 1,337 and Rs 760, respectively. Hindalco has dropped 3% to Rs 229, and Tata Steel is down 1% at Rs 664. Dr.Reddy's slipped 2% to Rs 1,647. Ranbaxy is down 1% at Rs 517. Gujarat Ambuja, Grasim and ACC are also trading with notable loses. Out of 1,996 stocks traded so far, 1,075 have advanced, 866 have declined and 55 are unchanged. |