The Sensex is now down 729 points at 17,633. The NSE Nifty is down 255 points at 5,127. SBI, Reliance Communications and Infosys have slumped around 6.5% each to Rs 2,247, Rs 625 and Rs 1,424, respectively. Hindustan Unilever, HDFC Bank and DLF have plunged around 5.5% each to Rs 185, Rs 1,514 and Rs 895, respectively. Reliance, TCS and Bharti Airtel have dropped 5% each to Rs 2,476, Rs 837 and Rs 869, respectively. ONGC, BHEL, NTPC and Wipro have also shed nearly 5% each to Rs 966, Rs 2,060, Rs 212 and Rs 409, respectively. Tata Steel has tumbled 4.5% to Rs 682. Larsen & Toubro, Tata Motors and Ranbaxy have slipped over 4% each to Rs 3,730, Rs 683 and Rs 353, respectively. Out of 2,574 stocks traded so far, 2,180 have declined, 364 have advanced and 30 are unchanged. |