The Sensex continues to languish in the negative zone and is now down 74 points at 11,281. Maruti has zoomed 4.4% to Rs 878. Dr.Reddy's has rallied 2.5% to Rs 1,461. Reliance has surged over 2% to Rs 846. TCS and Tata Steel have spurted over 1% each to Rs 1,806 and Rs 565, respectively. Cipla has plunged over 5% to Rs 651. Grasim has dropped 3.3% to Rs 2,104. BHEL and Bajaj Auto have slumped 3% each to Rs 2,288 and Rs 2,700, respectively. ICICI Bank and Reliance Energy have shed 2.5% each to Rs 569 and Rs 601, respectively. Satyam (Rs 780) and Larsen & Toubro (Rs 2,500) are down over 2% each. Out of 2,505 stocks traded so far, 1,800 have declined, 663 have advanced and the rest are unchanged. |