The Sensex has recovered smartly from the day's low of 15,332, and is now down 831 points at 16,774. The NSE Nifty is down 299 points at 4,910. ITC has slumped 14% at Rs 175. Wipro has plunged over 11% to Rs 390. HDFC and Reliance Communications have tumbled over 9% each to Rs 2,448 and Rs 556, respectively. Tata Steel has shed 8.8% at Rs 659. Reliance Energy has dropped nearly 8% to Rs 1,637. ONGC has slipped over 7% to Rs 1,035. Cipla, Ranbaxy and Mahindra & Mahindra have declined around 6.5% each to Rs 178, Rs 340 and Rs 630, respectively. Hindustan Unilever is down nearly 6% at Rs 188. Tata Motors, however, has rebounded into positive zone and is now up 2.5% at Rs 670. |