The Sensex is now down 92 points at 13,986. Reliance has dropped 2.8% to Rs 1,579. Satyam, HDFC and Hero Honda have slipped around 2% each to Rs 468, Rs 1,646 and Rs 691, respectively. Larsen & Toubro, Wipro and Bharti Airtel have declined around 1.5% each to Rs 1,714, Rs 563 and Rs 823, respectively. Maruti, ITC and Tata Motors are down around 1% each at Rs 806, Rs 160 and Rs 727, respectively. Cipla has gained 2% at Rs 216, and SBI has advanced 1.8% to Rs 1,142. ACC and HLL are up around 1% each at Rs 863 and Rs 198, respectively. Out of 2,532 stocks traded so far, 1,390 have declined, 1,051 have advanced and 91 are unchanged. |