The Sensex is now down nine points at 13,015. Tata Motors has dropped 1.7% (Rs 14) to Rs 838. Bajaj is now down 1.3% (Rs 35) at Rs 2,764. HDFC Bank is still down 1.4% (Rs 15) at Rs 1,010. ICICI Bank has slippped Rs 6 to Rs 779. SBI is now down Rs 7 at Rs 1,088. Infosys is steady at Rs 2,109 - down Rs 15. Hindalco has zoomed over 1% (Rs 4) to Rs 192. Satyam is still up over 2% at Rs 439. HDFC is up 1.5% (Rs 22) at Rs 1,473. TCS, ONGC, ITC and Hero Honda are holding gains. Declines have moved ahead of advances - out of 2,083 scrips traded, 1,107 have declined and 907 have logged gains. |