The Sensex ended with a gain 81 points at 10,941. The technology stocks witnessed agressive buying towards the close. Wipro surged 4.5% to Rs 544. Infosys rallied 3% to Rs 2,965, and TCS added 2.6% to Rs 1,909. Satyam spurted over 1% to Rs 821. Grasim gained nearly 2.5% backed by the group's plan to invest $350 million for plantation and pulp plant in Laos. Hindalco moved up 1.7% to Rs 162. Tata Steel was up over 1% at Rs 467. While ITC advanced over 1% to Rs 177, HLL declined nearly 1% to Rs 252. Cipla gained 1.6% at Rs 589. Dr.Reddy's added 1.2% to Rs 1,364. Hero Honda, Gujarat Ambuja and SBI were the other prominent gainers among the Sensex stocks. Bajaj Auto and Bharti Tele were the only other notable losers among the Sensex stocks. |