Late selling in the market saw the Sensex close seven points lower at 9374. ONGC was the major gainer today. The stock surged to a high of Rs 1,230, and closed with a gain of 2.8% at Rs 1,216 backed with a volume of 2.14 lakh shares. ICICI Bank at Rs 584 and Bajaj Auto at Rs 2,013 gained 1% each. Dr.Reddy's, Gujarat Ambuja, Larsen & Toubro, ITC and Reliance Energy also ended with gains today. Following the foot-steps of Reliance and Infosys, TCS, slipped 1.6% to close at Rs 1,651, a day after announcing its results. While Satyam slipped over 1% to Rs 739. While Infosys moved up marginally to Rs 2,846, Wipro closed almost flat at Rs 460. HDFC and HDFC Bank declined 1.7% each at Rs 1,180 and Rs 839, respectively. BHEL, Grasim, Maruti and NTPC shed around 1% each. |