The BSE Sensex bounced back from a four-month low hit earlier on Tuesday, erasing losses of about one per cent, as some blue chips such as ITC recovered on value-buying after the indices had fallen in six of seven sessions.
Value-buying also helped mobile service providers such as Bharti Airtel. These shares had declined this year as investors had worried strong competition at an ongoing mobile airwave auction would lead to higher spectrum prices, though some analysts said those fears are overdone.
The Sensex fell 1.2 per cent to its lowest since October 9, but ended up 0.01 per cent, or 2.67 points, at 20,211.93.
The Nifty fell 0.01 per cent, or 0.90 points, at 6,000.90 after falling 1.14 per cent, also to its weakest since October 9.