An upbeat mood in the market saw the Sensex open with a positive gap of 53 points at 14,110. The index moved in a range of 99-odd points today between an all-time intra-day high of 14,202 and a low of 14,103. The Sensex finally ended with a gain of 73 points at 14,130. The index has thus gained 768 points in three trading sessions. The BSE Metal index flared up 2.7% to 9271. The Mid-cap and Small-cap indices were up around 1.5% each at 6055 and 7487, respectively. The market breadth was positive - out of 2,717 stocks traded, 1,761 moved up, 913 slipped and the rest were unchanged today. INDEX MOVERS & SHAKERS Tata Steel soared 4% (Rs 18) to Rs 486. HDFC Bank advanced 2.7% to Rs 1,092. Ranbaxy and Larsen & Toubro gained over 2% each at Rs 431 and Rs 1,500, respectively. Gujarat Ambuja and Reliance moved up nearly 2% each to Rs 144 and Rs 1,365, respectively. Reliance Energy added over 1.5% to Rs 533. Satyam, HLL and Infosys were up 1% each at Rs 501, Rs 222 and Rs 2,242, respectively. Maruti and BHEL slipped over 1.5% each to Rs 906 and Rs 2,222, respectively. ICICI Bank and Hero Honda dropped over 1% each to Rs 958 and Rs 734, respectively. VALUE & VOLUME TOPPERS Reliance topped the value chart with a turnover of Rs 165.78 crore followed by TCS (Rs 142.85 crore), IFCI (Rs 132.20 crore), Tech Mahindra (Rs 93.80 crore) and SAIL (Rs 80.85 crore). IFCI led the volume chart with trades of around 55.25 lakh shares followed by Reliance Natural Resources (15 lakh), SAIL (83.20 lakh), Pentium Infotech (68 lakh) and Harig Cranks (67.90 lakh). |