The Sensex slipped into red to touch a low of 10,598 - down 92 points from the high. The index has now bounced back and is now up 13 points at 10,640. Tata Motors is steady with a gain of 3.4% at Rs 892. Bajaj Auto has raced 2.8% to Rs 2,800. Tata Power has surged 1.5% to Rs 544. ACC and Bharti have spurted over 1% each to Rs 681 and Rs 401, respectively. Dr.Reddy's has gained nearly 1% at Rs 1,325. HDFC has dropped 1.7% to Rs 1,333. TCS and Gujarat Ambuja have declined 1.2% each to Rs 1,721 and Rs 90.30, respectively. Infosys and Satyam are also in declining mode. The market breadth is slightly negative. Out of 2,163 stocks traded so far, 1,060 have declined, 1,017 have advanced and 84 are unchanged. Nagarjuna Constructions has soared nearly 16% to Rs 377. RPG Transmission, Impex Ferro, Surya Pharma, Tips, Kothari Product, Mukand, State Bank of Mysore, Zenith, Hindustan Zinc, Dredging, BEML, Titan, Alstom Project, MTNL, CESC, Sterlite Industries, Hinduja TMT and HPCL are the other major gainers. Goodricke has plunged over 4% to Rs 137. Standard Industries, Videocon Appliances, Tamilnadu Newsprint, Canara Bank, Birla Corporation, Indo Rama Synthetics, Arvind Mills, ICI India and iGate Global are the other prominent losers. |