Frenzied buying in Reliance and metal stocks led the Sensex zoom past the 12,000-mark. The index is now at the day's high of 12,032 - up 136 points. Reliance hogs the limelight on Dalal Street. The stock has soared 7.4% to Rs 989. Tata Steel and Hindalco have surged over 5% each to Rs 642 and Rs 215, respectively. Tata Motors has zoomed 2.8% to Rs 950. Satyam and Grasim have gained 2% each at Rs 871 and Rs 2,354, respectively. Bajaj Auto has advanced over 1% to Rs 2,982. NTPC and HDFC have dropped 2.3% each to Rs 139 and Rs 1,272, respectively. Hero Honda has shed 2% to Rs 855. Ranbaxy, Cipla and TCS have declined 1.5% each to Rs 473, Rs 661 and Rs 1,987, respectively. Out of 2,527 stocks traded so far, 1,354 have moved up, 1,116 have slipped and 57 are unchanged. |