The Sensex is almost flat at 20,371 - down five points. ITC has zoomed 5.6% to Rs 200. Hindalco has soared 4% to Rs 214. Mahindra & Mahindra has rallied nearly 3% to Rs 811. DLF and Tata Steel have gained 2.3% each at Rs 1,044 and Rs 885, respectively. Cipla has moved up 1.4% to Rs 202. Tata Motors and Hindustan Unilever are up 1% each at Rs 778 and Rs 213, respectively. Bharti Airtel has plunged 4.4% to Rs 1,007. HDFC Bank and Wipro have shed 1.7% each to Rs 1,752 and Rs 497, respectively. ICICI Bank and HDFC have slipped 1.5% each to Rs 1,270 and Rs 3,058, respectively. Maruti and Satyam are down over 1% each at Rs 1,064 and Rs 426, respectively. The market breadth is extremely positive - out of 2,825 stocks traded so far, 2,111 have advanced, 681 have declined and 33 are unchanged. |