The Sensex is now down four points at 14,450. BHEL has surged 2.3% to Rs 2,738. HDFC and Tata Steel have rallied 2% each to Rs 1,830 and Rs 639, respectively. Reliance Energy and Hindalco have moved up 1.4% each to Rs 559 and Rs 148, respectively. HLL has added 1.2% to Rs 197. Gujarat Ambuja and Bajaj Auto are the other prominent gainers. ITC has slipped 1.5% to Rs 168. ACC and ONGC have dropped 1% each to Rs 881 and Rs 916, respectively. The market breadth is marginally negative - out of 2,413 stocks traded so far, 1,207 have declined, 1,119 have advanced and 87 are unchanged. |