After Wednesday's 400 points plunge on the Sensex, the index today opened at 27 points at 13,796. The Sensex slipped into the negative terrain and touched a low of 13,720. However the index rebounded into the positive but has again slipped in to the negative. The index is now flat at 13,743, down 26 points.
Jaiprakash Associates has advanced over 2.5% to Rs 199.
Reliance has gained around 2% to Rs 1,863.
Larsen & Toubro, ITC and Hindalco have added 1.5% each to Rs 1,435, Rs 213 and Rs 78, respectively.
Hero Honda, SBI, Hindustan Unilever, Reliance Infrastructure and HDFC are up 1% each.
ICICI Bank, BHEL, Mahindra & Mahindra and Grasim are down 1% each.