The Sensex has recouped all its losses and is now almost flat at 12,459 - down three points. Satyam has gained 1.6% to Rs 795. HDFC, ONGC, Reliance Energy and Tata Steel have added 1.4% each to Rs 1,360, Rs 1,398, Rs 632 and Rs 653, respectively. Gujarat Ambuja and Bajaj Auto are up over 1% each at Rs 121 and Rs 3,6163, respectively. Dr.Reddy's is down 1.5% at Rs 1,658. Bharti Tele and HLL have slipped 1.2% each to Rs 417 and Rs 279, respectively. HDFC Bank, ITC and Hindalco have declined 1% each to Rs 859, Rs 206 and Rs 227, respectively. The market breadth has turned positive. Out of 2,532 stocks traded so far, 1,325 have advanced, 1,161 have declined and the rest are unchanged. |