The Sensex has rallied to a new all-time intra-day high of 10,080, and is now up 100 points at the same levels. ITC has gained 2.5% at Rs 161. HDFC and Wipro have advanced 2% each to Rs 1,365 and Rs 524, respectively. Maruti has moved up 1.8% to Rs 749. Hindalco has added 1.6% to Rs 170. SBI, Bharti, Gujarat Ambuja, ICICI Bank and Tata Power are up 1.5% each at Rs 878, Rs 375, Rs 87.60, Rs 616 and Rs 498, respectively. Tata Steel, Tata Motors, HLL, NTPC, Cipla, Infosys, HDFC Bank and Larsen & Toubro are also holding smart gains. ONGC, Reliance and BHEL are among few of the notable losers in the Sensex stocks. The market breadth is slightly positive. Out of 2,192 stocks traded so far, 1,284 have moved up, 844 have slipped and 64 are unchanged. |