The Sensex after touching a high of 9,565, is now up 340 points at 9,503. Earlier in the day, the index opened with a positive gap of 153 points at 9,316, and then swung in a narrow range of 83-odd points for most of the morning session - a high of 9,363, and a low of 9,280.
DLF has zoomed 11.5% to Rs 246, and Grasim has soared 10.7% to Rs 1,070.
Tata Steel and Sterlite have surged 7.5% each to Rs 211 and Rs 269, respectively. ACC has gained 7% at Rs 464.
Tata Power, Mahindra & Mahindra and Jaiprakash Associates have gained around 6.5% each at Rs 732, Rs 264 and Rs 73, respectively.
Reliance and Reliance Communications have rallied over 6% each to Rs 1,188 and Rs 220, respectively.
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Wipro and HDFC have moved up nearly 6% each to Rs 252 and Rs 1,599, respectively.
ICICI Bank and Reliance Infrastructure are up 4.7% each at Rs 388 and Rs 580, respectively.
Ranbaxy, however, has slipped over 1% to Rs 211.
The market breadth is fairly positive - out of 2,375 stocks traded so far, 1,399 have advanced, 871 have declined and the rest are unchanged.