The Sensex has pared gains and is now flat at 16,850 - up five points. Bharti Airtel has soared 2.5% to Rs 969. Reliance Energy and Hindalco have surged over 2% each to Rs 1,118 and Rs 166, respectively. Cipla and Ranbaxy have gained 2% each at Rs 171 and Rs 425, respectively. ACC has moved up 1.7% to Rs 1,159, and Tata Steel has added 1.5% to Rs 760. HDFC Bank is up 1% at Rs 1,360. Ambuja Cements has slipped 1.5% to Rs 145. Bajaj Auto and Wipro are down 1% each at Rs 2,545 and Rs 439, respectively. Out of 2,635 stocks traded so far, 1,423 have declined, 1,141 have advanced and 71 are unchanged. |