The Sensex has rebounded into positive zone and is now up 11 points at 10,746. HLL has surged 4% to Rs 253. NTPC has rallied 2.4% to Rs 139. Cipla has moved up 1.8% to Rs 572. Larsen & Toubro (Rs 2,441), HDFC (Rs 1,347) and ACC (Rs 689) are the other smart gainers. Satyam continues to languish with a loss of 2% at Rs 786. Tata Motors and ICICI Bank are down nearly 2% each at Rs 912 and Rs 602, respectively. Infosys (Rs 2,823) and Dr.Reddy's (Rs 1,309) have declined over 1% each. ONGC, Tata Steel, Ranbaxy and Wipro are the other prominent losers among the Sensex stocks. Out of 2,568 traded stocks, 1,256 have moved up, 1,229 have slipped and 83 are unchanged. Reliance Communication Ventures (RCoVL) tops the value chart with a turnover of Rs 296.32 crore followed by Century Textiles (Rs 122.18 crore), Reliance (Rs 80.74 crore), SBI (Rs 77 crore) and Siemens (Rs 74.31 crore). Reliance Natural Resources leads the volume chart with trades of around 2.27 crore shares followed by RCoVL (96 lakh), Hindustan Motors (67.36 lakh), Reliance Capital Ventures (33.81 lakh) and Century Textiles (29.15 lakh). |