The Sensex has rebounded into positive zone and is now up 19 points at 9889. HDFC and ACC have surged 3% each to Rs 1,335 and Rs 582, respectively. Dr.Reddy's is up 2.8% at Rs 1,104. Reliance, Tata Power and Ranbaxy have gained over 2% each at Rs 714, Rs 468 and Rs 401, respectively. Grasim, HDFC Bank, Wipro and Bharti are the other smart gainers. SBI has declined 2.3% to Rs 892. Infosys, Hero Honda and Tata Motors are the other notable losers. Out of 2,461 stocks traded so far, 1,595 have declined, 812 have advanced and 51 are unmoved. Reliance leads the value chart with a turnover of Rs 134.55 crore followed by Suzlon (Rs 78.27 crore), SBI (Rs 64.18 crore), Tata Steel (Rs 61.42 crore) and Reliance Capital (Rs 60.05 crore). SAIL tops the volume chart with trades of around 1.52 crore shares followed by Tulip IT (45.31 lakh), Radha Madhav (42.46 lakh), Rana Sugars (37.31 lakh) and Gayatri Sugar (37.21 lakh). |