The Sensex has rebounded into the positive zone and is now up 20 points at 17,779. The NSE Nifty is up 10 points at 5,178. Hindalco has slumped 5.7% to Rs 166. Grasim has shed 3% at Rs 2,900. DLF and ITC have plunged 2.3% each to Rs 842 and Rs 195, respectively. HDFC, Reliance Energy and Tata Steel have slipped over 2% each to Rs 2,830, Rs 1,949 and Rs 708, respectively. Larsen & Toubro and Maruti have shed 1.5% each at Rs 3,648 and Rs 830, respectively. SBI, BHEL and Cipla have declined 1.3% each to Rs 2,190, Rs 2,062 and Rs 186, respectively. Wipro and Satyam are down over 1% each at Rs 407 and Rs 390, respectively. Infosys and ONGC have gained 1.8% each at Rs 1,520 and Rs 985, respectively. Bharti Airtel and Tata Motors have advanced 1.5% each to Rs 865 and Rs 706, respectively. HDFC Bank and Hindustan Unilever have moved up over 1% each to Rs 1,550 and Rs 199, respectively. Reliance, Ambuja Cements and Bajaj Auto are also up around 1% each at Rs 2,495, Rs 119 and Rs 2,290, respectively. The market breadth is fairly negative - out of 2,506 stocks traded so far, 1,767 have declined, 684 have advanced and 55 are unchanged. |