The Sensex has staged a smart recovery, and is now down only 11 points at 11,345. Dr.Reddy's has rallied nearly 3% to Rs 1,481. Hindalco has surged 2.6% to Rs 197. TCS has advanced over 2% to Rs 1,820. Reliance has added 1.8% to Rs 843. Tata Motors and Maruti have gained 1.5% each at Rs 917 and Rs 854, respectively. ACC and Gujarat Ambuja have spurted over 1% each to Rs 922 and Rs 110, respectively. Cipla has dropped 3.5% to Rs 662. BHEL has shed 2% to Rs 2,309. HDFC and ITC have declined 1.7% each to Rs 1,266 and Rs 189, respectively. Larsen & Toubro and Bharti Tele are down 1.5% each at Rs 2,520 and Rs 396, respectively. ICICI Bank has slipped 1.3% to Rs 577. HLL (Rs 271), SBI (Rs 926), HDFC Bank (Rs 802), NTPC (Rs 135) and Bajaj Auto (Rs 2,750) are down over 1% each. The market breadth is fairly negative. Out of 2,016 stocks traded so far, 1,213 have declined, 751 have advanced and 52 are unmoved. |