The Sensex has recovered almost all its losses and is now flat at 18,597 - down five points. The index had tumbled to a low of 18,330. Reliance Energy has plunged nearly 3% to Rs 1,644. NTPC and DLF have tumbled 2.3% each to Rs 234 and Rs 850, repsectively. HDFC, Reliance Communications and Larsen & Toubro have slipped nearly 2% each to Rs 2,550, Rs 669 and Rs 4,032, respectively. Mahindra & Mahindra and ONGC are down 1.3% each at Rs 698 and Rs 1,178, respectively. SBI has advanced 1.4% to Rs 2,186. Hindalco and TCS have gained 1.2% each at Rs 187 and Rs 960, respectively. Grasim is up 1% at Rs 3,675. |