The Sensex has recovered partially from the day's low of 17,226, and is now down 336 points at 17,662. Reliance Energy has slumped 14.8% to Rs 1,356. Bharti Airtel has tumbled 6% to Rs 959. BHEL and Maruti have plunged over 5.5% each to Rs 2,060 and Rs 1,086, respectively. Hindalco has slipped over 5% to Rs 177. ACC has dropped over 4% to Rs 994. Ambuja Cements and Mahindra & Mahindra have shed 3.5% each to Rs 140 and Rs 736, respectively. HDFC and Larsen & Toubro have declined 3% each to Rs 2,370 and Rs 3,058, respectively. Reliance has dropped 2.7% to Rs 2,507. ITC, Grasim, NTPC, Cipla, HDFC Bank and Hindustan Unilever are the other major losers. Bajaj Auto and Infosys have advanced around 1.5% each to Rs 2,500 and Rs 1,916, respectively. Out of 2,682 stocks traded so far, 2,163 have declined, 483 have advanced and 36 are unchanged. |