The Sensex after touching a low of 10,646 has erased some of its losses and is now down 46 points at 10,698. The BSE Metal index has shed 2% to 7645, and the Bankex is down 1.6% at 4705. Reliance Communications has shed 2.7% to Rs 255. Hindalco has dropped 2.3% to Rs 158. HDFC Bank and Cipla have slipped nearly 2% each to Rs 781 and Rs 232, respectively. Hero Honda, Tata Motors, Reliance Energy, Maruti, Tata Steel and Ranbaxy are down over 1% each to Rs 696, Rs 731, Rs 447, Rs 778, Rs 492 and Rs 370, respectively. Larsen & Toubro and BHEL have advanced over 1% each to Rs 2,239 and Rs 2,069, respectively. Out of 2,287 stocks traded so far, 1,316 have declined, 894 have advanced and the rest are unchanged. |