The Sensex has recovered some of its losses, and is now down 57 points at 12,405. Hindalco has dropped 2.2% to Rs 224. Bharti Tele and Dr.Reddy's are down nearly 2% each at Rs 414 and Rs 1,651, respectively. ITC has shed 1.5% at Rs 205. NTPC, BHEL, HLL, Tata Steel, Maruti and Tata Motors are down 1% each. Satyam and Bajaj Auto have rallied 1.5% each to Rs 795 and Rs 3,172, respectively. Reliance Energy is up over 1% at Rs 630. Out of 2,468 stocks traded so far, 1,253 have declined, 1,165 have advanced and 50 are unchanged. |