The Sensex is now up 148 points at 12,322. SBI has surged 2.8% to Rs 998. HLL has moved up 2.5% to Rs 259. Wipro, BHEL and ICICI Bank have gained 2.3% each at Rs 526, Rs 2,380 and Rs 676, respectively. Maruti and TCS have rallied over 2% each to Rs 947 and Rs 1,047, respectively. Hero Honda and HDFC are up nearly 2% each at Rs 787 and Rs 1,416, respectively. Bajaj Auto, Tata Steel and Tata Motors have advanced around 1.5% each. Reliance, HDFC Bank, Satyam, Reliance Communications, Infosys, ACC, Grasim and Bharti Airtel are up 1% each. Out of 2,576 stocks traded so far, 1,255 have advanced, 1,218 have declined and the rest are unchanged. |