The Sensex has slipped deeper into red and is now down 229 points at 19,802. ONGC and TCS have plunged 2.3% each to Rs 1,210 and Rs 1,020, respectively. Bharti Airtel and SBI have slipped over 2% each to Rs 932 and Rs 2,359, respectively. BHEL has shed 2% at Rs 2,511. Tata Motors and Reliance Communications have declined almost 2% each to Rs 731 and Rs 746, respectively. Hindalco and NTPC have dropped 1.8% each to Rs 209 and Rs 242, respectively. HDFC Bank is down 1.4% at Rs 1,704. DLF, Reliance, HDFC, ICICI Bank and Wipro are the other major losers. ITC has gained 1.4% at Rs 203. |