The Sensex has slipped back into negative zone and is now down 18 points at 10,717. HLL has gained 3.5% to Rs 252. NTPC has added 2.3% to Rs 139, and Cipla is up 1.8% at Rs 572. Larsen & Toubro (Rs 2,443), SBI (Rs 907) and ACC (Rs 692) have gained over 1% each. Satyam has declined over 2% to Rs 785. Tata Motors and ICICI Bank have slipped nearly 2% each to Rs 912 and Rs 602, respectively. Infosys (Rs 2,822) and Dr.Reddy's (Rs 1,309) have declined over 1% each. Out of 2,586 traded stocks, 1,303 have advanced, 1,210 have declined and the rest are unchanged. |