The Sensex is now up 48 points at 18,987. HDFC Bank has zoomed over 4% to Rs 1,674, and ICICI Bank has soared 3% to Rs 1,160. Maruti has surged nearly 3% to Rs 994, and Mahindra & Mahindra has advanced 1.4% to Rs 720. Tata Motors and SBI have advanced over 1% each to Rs 729 and Rs 2,275, respectively. Tata Steel and Ranbaxy have plunged 2.5% each to Rs 798 and Rs 380, respectively. Reliance Energy and Reliance Communications have tumbled nearly 2% each to Rs 1,672 and Rs 666, respectively. BHEL and Hindalco have dropped 1.5% each to Rs 2,685 and Rs 182, respectively. Out of 2,842 stocks traded so far, 1,437 have declined, 1,344 have advanced and 61 are unchanged. |