The Sensex is now down 618 points at 14,933. ACC has slumped 7.3% to Rs 983. HDFC Bank has plunged 5.5% to Rs 1,132. Reliance Energy, HDFC, Hindalco, Tata Motors and Mahindra & Mahindra have tumbled around 5% each to Rs 752, Rs 1,916, Rs 162, Rs 665 and Rs 694, respectively. Ranbaxy, Reliance Communications, Bharti Airtel, Tata Steel, Reliance, Larsen & Toubro, SBI and BHEL have dropped around 4% each. BHEL, ICICI Bank, TCS and Cipla are the other major losers. Out of 2,595 stocks traded so far, 1,994 have declined, 551 have advanced and 50 are unchanged. |