The Sensex touched a low of 9158, and is now down 139 points at 9175. Hindalco has moved up nearly 2% to Rs 150. Wipro has pared some gains and is now up 1.5% at Rs 456. Reliance has slipped Rs 689. The post-demerger price discovered for the stock was Rs 714. HDFC Bank and ICICI Bank are down nearly 3% each at Rs 727 and Rs 549, respectively. ONGC has shed 2.6% at Rs 1,192.? Tata Motors, SBI, Reliance Energy and Bharti Tele have declined over 2% each. Maruti, ITC, ACC, Satyam, Infosys, HDFC, Grasim, HLL, Cipla and Ranbaxy are also on the losers list. Out of 2,505 stocks traded so far, 609 have advanced, 1,836 have declined and the rest are unchanged. Reliance tops the value chart with a turnover of Rs 2,076.15 crore (including the one-hour specail trading) followed by Satyam (Rs 127.42 crore), Educomp (Rs 103 crore), Infosys (Rs 93.91 crore) and SBI (Rs 89.30 crore). Reliance also leads the volume chart with trades of around 2.92 crore shares (including two crore shares traded in the one-hour trading) followed by Nandan Exim (63.88 lakh shares), Dena Bank (48.07 lakh shares), Educomp (34.44 lakh shares) and Bartronics (28.50 lakh shares). |