The Sensex is now up 104 points at 11,287. Ranbaxy has soared 7% to Rs 440. Hindalco has rallied nearly 3% to Rs 184. Tata Power and Bharti Tele have surged 2.7% each to Rs 594 and Rs 405, respectively. Wipro, ONGC and Tata Steel are the other major gainers. The market breadth is extremely positive. Out of 2,319 stocks traded so far, 1,683 have advanced, 563 have declined and 73 are unmoved. Satyam tops the value chart with a turnover of Rs 149.73 crore followed by HDFC (Rs 138.87 crore), Grasim (Rs 124.89 crore), Hero Honda (Rs 104.72 crore) and Glaxo (Rs 89.09 crore). SAIL leads the volume chart with trades of around 53.14 lakh shares followed by Chemplast (51.07 lakh), Reliance Natural Resources (30.91 lakh), McLeod Russel (30.06 lakh) and Gail (26.13 lakh). |