The Sensex is now up 117 points at 15,849. BHEL has zoomed nearly 5% to Rs 1,852. Larsen & Toubro and NTPC have surged around 3% each to Rs 2,688 and Rs 162, respectively. Reliance Energy has soared nearly 2% to Rs 728. Satyam and Hindalco have gained 1.7% each to Rs 500 and Rs 188, respectively. ICICI Bank has advanced 1.5% to Rs 985. ONGC, Infosys and Reliance are the other notable gainers. TCS has shed 1.5% to Rs 1,173. Mahindra & Mahindra and Cipla have slipped over 1% each to Rs 813 and Rs 189, respectively. |
ACC and Tata Motors are the other prominent losers. |