The Sensex is now up 118 points at 13,480. HLL has surged 3.5% to Rs 216. Wipro has rallied 3.3% to Rs 610. Reliance Communications, NTPC, Satyam and Hindalco have advanced over 2% each to Rs 417, Rs 136, Rs 475 and Rs 168, respectively. ACC, Bharti Airtel, Maruti, ITC, SBI, Reliance, Bajaj Auto, Reliance Energy, Dr.Reddy's, Larsen & Toubro, TCS and Gujarat Ambuja are up 1-2% each. Infosys is down 1.5% at Rs 2,136. The market breadth is positive - out of 1,615 stocks advanced, 862 have declined and the rest are unchanged. |