The Sensex is now up 124 points at 10,804. BHEL has surged nearly 5% to Rs 2,062. ICICI Bank and Satyam have rallied 3% each to Rs 560 and Rs 759, respectively. Maruti, Wipro and SBI have advanced over 2.5% each to Rs 789, Rs 495 and Rs 817, respectively. Cipla, Tata Motors, ITC and TCS have gained around 2% each at Rs 238, Rs 745, Rs 169 and Rs 946, respectively. HLL has slipped over 2% to Rs 237. Grasim is down 1% at Rs 2,096. Out of 2,448 stocks traded so far, 1,597 have advanced, 782 have declined and the rest are unchanged. |