The Sensex has pared most of its gains and is now up 12 points at 10,294. Grasim has surged 2.8% to Rs 1,715. Maruti has added 2.5% to Rs 808. Tata Power, ACC, ICICI Bank and Larsen & Toubro have moved up over 2% each to Rs 530, Rs 608, Rs 606 and Rs 2,408, respectively. BHEL, Tata Motors, HLL and Reliance Energy are the other smart gainers among the Sensex stocks. Hindalco has declined 2% to Rs 152. Satyam, ITC, Ranbaxy, HDFC and ONGC have dropped over 1% each. The market breadth remains neutral. Out of 2,376 stocks traded so far, 1,228 have advanced, 1,082 have declined and 66 are unchanged. |