The Sensex continues to rule firmly above the 10,700-mark, and is now up 130 points at 10,725. Tata Power continues to lead the upmove with a gain of 5.7% at Rs 578. NTPC and Reliance Energy have gained over 3% each at Rs 135 and Rs 654, respectively. Hindalco has surged 5.3% to Rs 167. Ranbaxy has spurted over 3% to Rs 449. Tata Motors has rallied nearly 3% to Rs 930, and ONGC is up 2.5% at Rs 1,176. Tata Steel has added 1.5% to Rs 463. Reliance is up 1.5% at Rs 726. Infosys (Rs 2,859), BHEL (Rs 2,151), TCS (Rs 1,733), Dr.Reddy's (Rs 1,337), Cipla (Rs 556) and SBI (Rs 904) are up over 1% each. The market breadth is slightly positive. Out of 2,531 stocks traded so far, 1,415 have moved up, 1,048 have declined and 68 are unchanged. |