The Sensex has moved up 13 points to 7,957. SBI is still down 1.6% (Rs 13) at Rs 825. ONGC is now down Rs 5 at Rs 929. Reliance is down Rs 2 at Rs 764. Bajaj has gained 2% (Rs 34) to Rs 1,754. Hero Honda has added Rs 18 to Rs 724. Maruti and Tata Motors continue to trade with losses. HDFC is up Rs 29 at Rs 998. Dr. Reddy's has advanced 2.8% (Rs 23) to Rs 846. Grasim is now up 2% (Rs 24) at Rs 1,150. BHEL is still up Rs 18 at Rs 1,140. Declines are ahead of advances - out of 2,072 scrips traded, 1,311 have declined, 720 have advanced and 41 are unchanged. |