The Sensex is now up 145 points at 13,927. Tata Steel has surged 2.7% to Rs 577. Wipro and Bajaj Auto have rallied 2.5% each to Rs 564 and Rs 2,626, respectively. ITC and Reliance Communications have advanced 2% each to Rs 164 and Rs 473, respectively. Satyam and HDFC have gained 1.7% each to Rs 460 and Rs 1,623, respectively. ONGC, SBI and BHEL are up over 1.5% each to Rs 924, Rs 1,140 and Rs 2,478, respectively. The market breadth is extremely positive - out of 1,882 stocks traded so far, 1,401 have advanced, 433 have declined and 48 are unchanged. |