The Sensex is now up 19 points at 11,168. Grasim and Hero Honda has advanced around 2.5% each to Rs 2,202 and Rs 690, respectively. Infosys, Tata Motors and NTPC have moved up 1.5% each to Rs 1,734, Rs 801 and Rs 123, respectively. Ranbaxy, Satyam, Maruti and Cipla are up 1% each at Rs 398, Rs 765, Rs 802 and Rs 239, respectively. Wipro has declined nearly 2% to Rs 506. ICICI Bank has shed 1.5% to Rs 591. Bharti Airtel, Hindalco, Reliance Communications, BHEL and HDFC have declined over 1% each. Out of 2,372 stocks traded so far, 1,503 have advanced, 792 have declined and the rest are unchanged. |