The Sensex is now up 221 points at 15,529. ICICI Bank and Tata Steel have zoomed 3.5% each to Rs 915 and Rs 673, respectively. BHEL and Maruti have soared 3% each to Rs 1,767 and Rs 863, respectively. Tata Motors has rallied 2.5% to Rs 678. TCS has surged 2% to Rs 1,177. Reliance and Hindalco have gained 1.7% each to Rs 1,908 and Rs 165, respectively. Wipro, Reliance Communications and NTPC have advanced around 1.5% each to Rs 483, Rs 552 and Rs 174, respectively. HDFC Bank and ACC have moved up 1.3% each to Rs 1,187 and Rs 1,038, respectively. Satyam, Ranbaxy, Larsen & Toubro, Mahindra & Mahindra, Cipla, Reliance Energy and Bajaj Auto are up over 1% each. Out of 2,286 stocks traded so far, 1,735 have advanced, 507 have declined and 44 are unchanged. |