The Sensex is now up 234 points at 17212 points. The NSE Nifty is up 61 points at 5,073. Reliance Communications has gained 4% to Rs 582. Infosys and L&T are up over 2.8% to Rs 1,880 and Rs 2910 respectively. ICICI Bank and Maruti have gained over 2.5% to Rs 818 and Rs 921 respectively. Reliance, BHEL and Cipla have surged over 2% to Rs 2,591 and Rs 1,786 and Rs 214 respectively. DLF, Jaiprakash Associates, Hindalco, ACC, Reliance Infra are the other major gainers. Satyam's is down 3.3 % to Rs 484. Tata Motors has declined 2.3% to Rs 657.