The Sensex is now up 236 points at 9165. Grasim has rallied nearly 5% to Rs 1,672. Wipro, HLL and Larsen & Toubro have surged 4% each to Rs 406, Rs 194 and Rs 1,904, respectively. BHEL and Infosys have gained 3.5% each at Rs 1,661 and Rs 2,570, respectively. Tata Steel, ACC, ICICI Bank and ITC are up around 3% each at Rs 398, Rs 719, Rs 468 and Rs 152, respectively. Hindalco and ONGC down 0.5% each at Rs 143 and Rs 983, respectively, are the only losers among the Sensex stocks. The market breadth is marginally positive - out of 1,893 stocks traded so far, 976 have advanced, 871 have declined and 46 are unchanged. |