The Sensex is moving in a narrow range, and is still up 24 points at 9,157. HDFC is still up 2.3% (Rs 26) at Rs 1,155. Tata Motors has advanced 2.6% (Rs 16) to Rs Rs 606. Bajaj has slipped Rs 15 to Rs 2,100. ACC is up Rs 8 at Rs 537. ITC has moved up over 2% (Rs 3) at Rs 142. SBI is still up Rs 9 at Rs 918. Reliance has moved up Rs 2 to Rs 864. ONGC is down Rs 9 at Rs 1,156. L&T has dropped 1.5% (Rs 26) to Rs 1,720. BHEL has declined Rs 10 to Rs 1,414. Advances are ahead of declines - out of 2,396 scrips traded, 1,206 have advanced, 1,097 have declined and 93 are unchanged. |