The Sensex is now up 259 points at 18,307. The Nifty is up 90 points at 5,367. ACC has soared over 4% to Rs 788. Ranbaxy and TCS have surged nearly 3% each to Rs 408 and Rs 875, respectively. ONGC and Reliance have rallied 2.5% each to Rs 1,046 and Rs 2,614, respectively. Cipla has gained 2% at Rs 189. BHEL, Hindustan Unilever and Tata Motors have advanced 1.8% each to Rs 2,256, Rs 221 and Rs 746, respectively. Grasim and NTPC have moved up 1.7% each to Rs 2,835 and Rs 208, respectively. Hindalco, ICICI Bank and Wipro are up around 1.5% each at Rs 187, Rs 1,227 and Rs 421, respectively. Out of 2,603 stocks traded so far, 1,865 have advanced, 686 have declined and 52 are unchanged. |